Begin Family Tree

Robert & Melissa Paschall 1700's

                                                       Robert William Paschall                                 Melissa Paschall
                                                      b.12/14/1777-d.08/05/1856                     11/28/1777-d.12/22/1859

According to information from Reese Boyd, (who is the granddaughter of James Walter Paschall's sister Pattie), and other distant relatives who still reside in Henderson, North Carolina and surrounding areas, our Great Great Grand- parents are buried in the FRONTyard of relatives who are still living on the same property. Now can you just imagine getting up in the morning and over your first cup of coffee looking out and seeing tombstones in front of you? Well, it's not exactly that gruesome because with the lay of the land and the landscaping you'd really have to walk some to actually see them, but just the thought kinda gives you the shivers don't it?
Now back in the early days of North Carolina's history, there was an area called Granville County (which in later years was divied and split into several counties), and that was where Robert and Melissa were married. (further information forthcoming).

Down through the years a story has been told about three brothers who came over to America from England, and those of you (who are related), that are taking the journey with me through these pages, will be interested to know that I have finally verified the REAL information on these boys! I can guarantee you WILL find the truth to this old story as we continue through our geneology, but you will have to stick with me through this site before you will find out!



Lets continue on through the family tree, looking at the life Robert & Melissa's son, William Lee Paschall and the woman he married.

Research Information                                                                            Great Grandparents

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(c)2001-2003 JBP
updated 11-14-03

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